
Showing posts from October, 2020

Seeker lace edmand

seeker lance edmand

New Era


Mongolia singer shock judges

On 2018 BGT edition, A Mongolian singer shocks judges with throat singing. Watch

Obama forget to salute American Marine see what happens

Obama forget to salute se want happens


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Sky falls when we have realised how we wrong the feeding hands that fed. Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf

Human behaviour

TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Human behaviour Because we feel greatness we tend to misbehave, qurrel resulting to integration, detached with boundaries. If something like adversity were to emerge before us we tend to cooperate amicably. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Learn Being numerous is advantageous when all ideas are invest on progress. Being numerous is fruitless when all ideas are of inhumane. Thence it undo human existence. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Learn When u have the more you realise you don't have. And When you don't have you realise that have. Contentment is the key. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Learn For every situations we learn. Is either we learn to avert reoccurrences or we learn for reoccurrences. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Silence The silence of a mischievous person are of snare. Whilst Silence of a rationals are to eschew misfortunes. Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf extravagant Extravagant has never profitable. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf London Londonium was the name give to recent London While albium is recent England. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Piousness Love that person that loves U. And Hate not that person that hates u. Speak no evil of that person that slanders on u. When we are slapped by the right chick, Don't slap at all. No doubt a path to piousness. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Fluent To much Giggle kills the soul. So Be more reasonable on ones joyous moment. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf


TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Fluent To be Fluent is a significant opportunity given to most erudites so to explain not reframe learners from knowledge. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf

Devil wispered

TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Devil wispered Devil 😈 itself couldn't be blames wholesomely because devil isn't visible to eyes. He only wispered. -Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf

Human Animal

TREMENDOUS maxims of Abdulfattah Ogirima yusuf Human Animal Blame not the censurers. For one to be classified as higher animal (human), one have to shun the obscene characteristic of lower animals and open doors for all reasonable credence. - Abdulfattah Ogirima Yusuf

Review natural World disasters that shook the world

Here i have compiled of the most deadliest Natural disasters that shook the world. photo by istoke American most 5 devastating disasters by ABC NEWS. man made disaster by Smithsonian 4 unbelievable natural disasters by viral dark7 japanese natural disasters 2019 by BBC Top 5 disasters by Top topic 10 deadly natural disasters by the riches 5 massive land slide by Tv royal Strange natural phenomena that happens on earth by mind boggler World deadliest tornados-by spark top 10 disaster that shook the world