How to Fix Mobile Data low speed on Smartphones

How to Fix Mobile Data low speed on Smartphones


Do your smartphone lags when it come to Mobile data browsing? 
Why don't you check out ways to grease on the bug with the provided solution i myself has tested, proven to be realible.
In this post i will explain how to fix, remove obstructions and speed up mobile Data speed without any complaint.  
Mobile users laid down complaints regarding fluctuations while using mobile data to download, upload files especially the big ones . Because of the slowness, uncertainty of data speed alternatively, they go for wifi connection which is realible for big file upload and download given no errors, "retry error".

Deriving factors

The cause of data slowness are numerous, depending on how you operate your phone. But mostly, smartphone data tend to slow down when numerous data consuming functionalies (Apps/games) are "turned on", however, data traffic becomes condensed.


The only one unique solution i myself has tested. Just follow the steps i'm going show to you. Note, the solution works well on my Andriod Device but i believe it will also work on other smartphone if you can find all directories, or similar directories on your phone.
The confiquration can be apply to Non rooted and rooted Device.


Tap on your menu, find and tap your phone settings.

Step 2

Under wireless and mobile network tap "more.." button. Look for "Data usage" button and tab on it. 
More options will pop out, you will see the list of consuming data Application below the giant graph which explains how much all total Apps has consumed. You can choose to restrict a individual application by tapping on activation switch to activate background data restrictions.
Furthermore, you are able to remove All background data consuming Applications all together. 
For i prefer restrict all Applictions, and leave the one or ones i intend to use my data on. Background Applications Eat fast your data bandwidth, it makes phone slow on browsing.

It's better to Stop them. To stop all application that consume data on Background, proceed to step 3.

step 3 

To restrict all Applications click "more" button, click On "Restrict background data" After activation, you will observe that all ongoing background data consuming Applications has diactivated.
After configuration, you have successfully turn down unnecessary data usage. A pop notification on top notification bar which will remind you to turn off restrictions.
To turn off tap the "turn off restrictions". Note the activation of data restriction has stop the following: 

Facebook Notifications, 

All background downloads,

Google play/Appstore background downloads,

Ads (All downloaded application adds will be cut off).

All background Updates which includes Apps and games inapp update and more..
System upgrade isn't included. Unless you include system Applications. The good things about background data restrictions is that it auto turned off when phone is switch off or restart. You need to reactivate it again after phone turned on. Without doubt, try it and experience infinite mobile data speed. Watch video below for better discernment:


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